ISKRA waldorf Osijek waldorfska škola

Kindergarten iskrica

About us

About Iskrica
Iskrica is a babysitting centre that functions like a kindergarten according to the principles of Waldorf pedagogy. Our family atmosphere ensures a joyful childhood filled with play and happiness. In a small group with an individual approach (up to 12 children) the children stay with two educators.

The program encourages healthy and holistic development of the child: daily time in nature, healthy nutrition, artistic and practical activities, natural materials and stimulating environment, free and group activities, the development of the child's self-confidence, social and communication skills, a desire to explore and learn, his endless creativity and more.

A holistic approach to the child and a quality relationship with the parents enables the child the highest quality pedagogical care and development of all his potentials.

How days go by in Iskrica

• we respect and love the child as a value in itself and accept him in his personality, as a unique and unrepeatable person

• we cherish knowledge and respect for all developmental and individual needs of children

• we ensure warm, family atmosphere

• we ensure natural and healthy daily, weekly and annual rhythm of all activities

• we provide the child with appropriate, exemplary and authentic behavior and speech

• we ensure a soothing space (pleasant colors and materials) and natural materials (wood, wool, cotton, silk, beeswax, plant colors…)

• we support the complete development of children through activities that involve the will, emotions and intellect

• we ensure healthy and organic diet and daily stay in the fresh air

• we provide individual and qualitative monitoring of each child in all its segments of development

About Waldorf in early age
Waldorf pedagogy nurtures childhood as a precious age in which the child is treated with respect and attention is paid to the individual needs of each child.

With the guidance of a clear and authentic educator, the child imitates and learns how to express himself and show himself to the world through free play. With a consistent and timely rhythm of the day, as well as the week, following the rhythms of nature and its change, the child gains security and develops a sense of confidence in the world around him.

In free play, the child spontaneously expresses his or her experiences from the immediate environment. Through guided activities, which are quite meaningful and vital, the child has the opportunity to learn about life. Through artistic activities, the child fulfills and develops his imagination, and movement and speech are perfected through finger games and gesture circuits.

By celebrating the festivities, the annual rhythm is followed, and through activities related to their preparation and celebration, the child encounters his own culture and heritage, thus gaining a sense of identity and belonging.

In addition, the child participates in the preparation of organic, unrefined food and eats healthy and fresh so that he can actively learn about the world around him through all his senses.

Cooperation with parents
Parents have an important place in the implementation of this program. Parents are equal participants in the upbringing and education of children, and their involvement ensures the quality of children's educational experiences, but also the development of their parenting competencies.

Reciprocal communication is important to both educators and parents for a common understanding of children. It is important that parents know how their child learns and grows, and that they support this work at home with the appropriate atmosphere.

Cooperation with parents is realized in different ways: through parent meetings, individual consultations, visits of parents to crafts and involvement in holiday celebrations, group trips etc.

Parents also have a chance to improve their parenting and pedagogical competencies through seminars held from international experts and practical workshops.

The involvement of the parents gives the child an additional feeling of security and warmth in his "kindergarten family".

The doors of "Iskrica" ​​are open from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 4.30 pm.

For all questions and additional information, contact us via the contact form or our Facebook page.

Antuna Matije Reljkovića 14 31000, Osijek


Iskrica, babysitting centre with waldorf principles

Contact number

+385 98 438111 - Danijela Maran
