Day in Iskrica
Day in Iskrica
The gesture cycle follows, which follows the seasons and holidays, in other words the rhythm of the year. Songs, narrations and movements are an integral part of gesture circuits and are easily adopted by children.
After that, the children play freely, and during that time the educator does handicrafts in front of the children (makes or repairs toys, etc.). Then, all together, with a song, they prepare the toys in their place, followed by artistic activity (painting wet on wet with vegetable paints, puppet show, shaping with beeswax, etc.). Through artistic activities the child fulfills and develops his imagination and the need for meaningful expression.
On Fridays, bread is made and baked. Household activities (cleaning, watering flowers, preparing simpler meals, cleaning, sweeping, etc.) are carried out daily, and children have the opportunity to learn about life directly and experientially through them. At the same time, children take care of their small garden and guided work activities, through the example of their educator, they learn independence and diligence.
Handicraft is also very important, in which children get involved on their own initiative, so activities such as sewing, knitting, weaving and making toys are an integral part of our week. Through manual work, children develop their motor abilities and create better preconditions for the development of thinking.
Staying and playing in the fresh air is carried out daily and in different weather conditions. Going out into our beautifully landscaped and fenced yard, where children play under the treetops, practice their balance on a wooden polygon, swing on swings and play all kinds of games, gives an additional contribution to their healthier childhood. We often walk to the nearby parks.
Before lunch it’s time for soothing finger games. A hearty lunch is regularly prepared from fresh and organic ingredients and most importantly, with love. After lunch, around noon, the children brush their teeth, prepare their wooden cribs and change into their pajamas, as they can’t wait to tell a fairy tale and a lullaby song, which their “teta” carefully chooses for them.
The rest is followed by an afternoon snack and free children's play, which is an "exhalation" in their day. Everything they experienced that day, they can freely express in the game and in that way work their experiences better. Through an abundance of creativity and imagination, children can be whatever they want to be. Through interaction in games, they learn a number of social skills. Separate activities and meaningful preparations for school are done with preschoolers.
Parents come to pick up the child until 4.30 pm, and the children cheerfully greet us and look forward to the next day, when they will come to their kindergarten again.